Trip report: Florida Keys

March 2000

For Spring Break, March 2000, the Dunn clan headed for the Keys.  The focus of this trip was fun in the sun, but I was quite interested in trying my hand at casting flies for bonefish and other denizens of the flats.

Our base camp was the Fiesta Key KOA campground, which was quite a nice place to stay.We spent 5 nights there and tried to sample as much of the flavor of the keys as possible.  We spent 2 days snorkeling, a day in Key West and spent some time in general sloth :-).  I spent about a day trying my hand at bonefishing, but it was really windy and very tough to try and spot tailing fish, especially the first day I tried.  One thing that was pretty cool, however, was the big shark that cruised by while I was wading in thigh-deep water off Long Key.  I struck out flyfishing, but hey, it was fun anyway.

We did much better snorkeling!  Here's a shot of my wife & the kids as we got ready to leave from Pennekamp State Park.  

It was still windy, and the visibility wasn't a great as it could have been, but it was a lot of fun.

The shot above was from our second trip, from Loo Key.

We saw lots of big barracuda!  

Some of them were as long as my leg, and that's big!  Saw lots of coral, and even an old cannon on the bottom.  

Here below are a couple of shots of some reef fish:


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